
What is Workplace Bullying? Tips for Recognizing & Addressing It

Workplace bullying is a serious problem that can have serious consequences for both employees and employers. It is defined as any kind of behaviour that intimidates, degrades, humiliates, offends, or isolates an employee. It can include physical violence, verbal abuse, or psychological manipulation. It is generally a pattern of behaviour that takes place over time.


What is Workplace Bullying?

Workplace bullying is a form of workplace aggression that involves the use of physical, verbal, or psychological aggression to intimidate or control another person. It can take many forms, including verbal, physical, or psychological abuse, manipulation, or exclusion. It can be directed at an individual or a group of people, and it can happen in any working environment.


Workplace bullying is different from other forms of aggression because it is often subtle, insidious, and difficult to recognize. It can be hard to know what is and isn’t workplace bullying, and it is often difficult to confront the bully. That is why it is important to be aware of the signs of workplace bullying and to understand the effects it can have on employees.


Types of Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying can take many forms, including:

  • Verbal abuse: This includes name-calling, mocking, insulting, or belittling someone.
  • Physical aggression: This can involve pushing, hitting, or any other form of physical violence.
  • Psychological manipulation: This can involve using threats, intimidation, or manipulation to control or intimidate someone.
  • Social exclusion or isolation: This can involve excluding someone from conversations or activities or isolating them from their peers.
  • Work sabotage: This can involve damaging property, stealing, or sabotaging someone’s work.


Effects of Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying can have a serious and lasting impact on its victims. It can lead to physical and emotional distress, including depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. It can also lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and a lack of motivation.

In extreme cases, workplace bullying can lead to violent outbursts and even suicide. It can also have a negative impact on the workplace as a whole, as it can lead to decreased morale, increased turnover, and a hostile work environment.


Signs of Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying can be difficult to recognize, as it is often subtle and insidious. However, there are some signs to look out for that may indicate that someone is being bullied. These include:

  • Changes in behaviour: If someone changes their behaviour suddenly or drastically.
  • Withdrawal from activities: If someone is avoiding activities or social situations.
  • Physical symptoms: If someone has physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, or sleeping problems.
  • Anxiety and depression: If someone is exhibiting signs of anxiety or depression.
  • Changes in work performance: If someone’s work performance changes suddenly or drastically.


How to Address Workplace Bullying

If you suspect that someone is being bullied, it is important to take action. The first step is to talk to the person who is being bullied and find out what is happening. If you are an employer, it is important to have a policy in place for addressing workplace bullying. This policy should include clear guidelines for how to report incidents, how to investigate them, and how to respond.


Strategies for Dealing with Workplace Bullying

If you are the target of workplace bullying, there are a few strategies you can use to deal with it. First, document the incidents. This will help you to identify patterns and to provide evidence if you need to take action.

Second, talk to someone you trust. This could be a friend, family member, or trusted colleague. Talking to someone can provide emotional support and help you come up with a plan of action.

Third, if the situation is escalating or if you feel unsafe, contact HR or a supervisor. They can help you to address the problem and take action.


Policies for Preventing Workplace Bullying

If you are an employer, it is important to have a policy in place for preventing workplace bullying. This policy should include clear guidelines for how to identify and report incidents, how to investigate them, and how to respond.


The policy should also include a zero-tolerance policy for bullying. This means that any form of bullying or harassment is not acceptable, and any reports will be taken seriously and addressed quickly.


Finally, the policy should include training for managers and employees on how to recognize and address bullying. This will help to ensure that everyone in the workplace is aware of the policy and is able to take action if necessary.


Resources for Supporting Victims of Workplace Bullying

If you are the victim of workplace bullying, there are a few resources available to help you. If you feel unsafe or if the situation is escalating, you can contact HR or a supervisor.



Workplace bullying is a serious problem that can have serious consequences for both employees and employers. It is important to be aware of the signs of workplace bullying and to understand the effects it can have on employees. It is also important to have a policy in place for recognizing and addressing workplace bullying. If you are the victim of workplace bullying, there are resources available to help you.


It is essential that employers take steps to recognize and address workplace bullying. Having a clear policy in place and training managers and employees on how to recognize and address bullying can help to create a safe and healthy work environment. By taking the time to recognize and address workplace bullying, employers can help to ensure that their workplace is free from harassment and bullying.


Workplace Bullying issue? Contact Jolasers to discuss your workplace bullying issues.

Stephen Oliver 0418 101 164

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The Dark Side of Power: Unveiling the Reality of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.


Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that impacts countless individuals around the world, and yet it often goes unacknowledged and unpunished.


An employee has the right to work in an environment that is free of sexual harassment. In this article we will discuss the prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace, the consequences of such behaviour, and the steps employers and employees can take to create a safe and equitable work environment.


Introduction to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment in the workplace can take many forms, but it generally involves any unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.


Sexual harassment can occur between employees of the same gender or between employees of different genders. It can range from inappropriate comments, jokes, or gestures to more severe forms of harassment such as physical assault, attempted or actual sexual contact, stalking, and sexual extortion.


The most common forms of sexual harassment in the workplace are gender-based and involve a power imbalance between the harasser and the victim. This power imbalance can be based on an individual's gender, position in the organization, or other factors. It can also be based on a combination of these factors. Unfortunately, this power imbalance means that the victim often feels powerless to take action against the harasser and the situation often goes unreported.


Understanding the Prevalence of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a pervasive problem that affects millions of people around the world. According to a report by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), nearly 25 percent of women and 15 percent of men have experienced some form of sexual harassment in the workplace. The report also found that women of colour, LGBTQ individuals, and people with disabilities are more likely to experience sexual harassment in the workplace.


The prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace is concerning, and it has been exacerbated by the lack of awareness and education around the issue. Many people don't understand the definition of sexual harassment, or they downplay the severity of the issue. This lack of awareness and education can lead to victims feeling isolated and unable to report the issue.


The Consequences of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment in the workplace can have serious consequences, both for the individual and the organization. Victims of sexual harassment often experience physical and psychological effects such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These effects can lead to decreased job performance, absenteeism, and even job loss. For organizations, sexual harassment can lead to decreased morale, increased turnover and legal liabilities.


The effects of sexual harassment in the workplace can be long-lasting and can have a lasting impact on the victim's mental health and career.


How to Spot Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

It is important to be aware of the signs of sexual harassment in the workplace so that you can take action if you believe you are being harassed. The following are some of the most common signs of sexual harassment in the workplace:

  • Unwanted physical contact or advances
  • Unwelcome sexual jokes or comments
  • Unwanted emails or text messages with sexual content
  • Unwanted sexual advances or propositions
  • Pressure to engage in sexual activities
  • Retaliation for refusing a sexual advance
  • Unwelcome comments about a person's body or clothing

If you believe you are being sexually harassed in the workplace, it is important to document the incident and report it to your supervisor or the human resources department.


Steps to Take if You Are Experiencing Sexual Harassment at Work

If you believe you are being sexually harassed in the workplace, it is important to take action. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Document the incident: It is important to document the incident, including the date, time, and location, as well as any witnesses.
  • Report the incident: You should report the incident to your supervisor or the human resources department.
  • Seek support: It is important to find support from family, friends, or counselling services if you are experiencing emotional distress.
  • Seek legal advice: If your employer does not take action, you may want to seek legal advice to explore your options.


How Employers Can Create a Gender-Equitable Workplace

In order to create a safe and equitable work environment, employers must take steps to prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace. Here are some steps employers can take:

  • Create a clear policy: Employers should have a clear policy on sexual harassment that outlines what behaviour is unacceptable and the consequences for violating the policy.
  • Provide training: Employers should provide training for all employees on sexual harassment and gender-equity issues and have each employee sign off that they understand the content of the training.
  • Establish a complaint system: Employers should have a clear process for employees to report incidents of sexual harassment.
  • Take all complaints seriously: Employers should take all complaints of sexual harassment seriously and investigate them promptly.


Corporate Culture and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Employers should focus on creating a corporate culture that does not tolerate sexual harassment. This includes promoting gender equity, setting clear expectations for workplace behaviour, and providing resources for employees who have been the victim of sexual harassment. Additionally, employers should ensure that there are clear consequences for violating the company's policy on sexual harassment, such as suspension or termination.



Sexual harassment in the workplace is a pervasive problem that affects millions of people around the world. It is important to be aware of the signs of sexual harassment and to take action if you believe you are being harassed.


Employers should have a clear policy on sexual harassment and provide training for all employees. Additionally, employers should take all complaints of sexual harassment seriously and investigate them promptly.


If you have a sexual harassment issue in the workplace, contact Jolasers to discuss how we can professionally investigate the matter for you.

It is important to remember that you have the right to work in an environment free of sexual harassment. By understanding the prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace and the steps that can be taken to address it, we can work together to create a safe and equitable work environment for everyone.

For more information check out this page on sexual harassment. 

Contact Stephen Oliver to discuss your workplace investigation on 0418 101 164

Sexual harassment workplace investigation video



Is employer's defense of 'cultural differences' acceptable in bullying claim?

When it comes to workplace harassment, the idea of cultural differences can be a delicate subject. As such, it's important to understand the implications of this defense as it relates to bullying claims.


Employers often take the stance that any alleged bullying is simply a result of cultural differences, but is this really an acceptable defense?


What is cultural difference?

Cultural difference is the difference in customs, practices, behaviours, and ways of thinking between individuals and groups. This can be due to a number of reasons, including ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, and level of education.


The concept of cultural differences is also closely tied to the idea of cultural diversity, which is defined as the “number and kinds of cultures that exist in a society, as well as their relative numbers and the way people in a given society respond to, and are affected by, those cultures”.


Cultural diversity is often seen as a source of strength and can lead to innovation, creativity, and better problem-solving. However, cultural differences can also lead to misunderstandings.


What does the law say about cultural differences in the workplace?

Many employers attempt to defend themselves against claims of workplace harassment by claiming that the alleged discrimination is a result of cultural differences. However, the law does not protect this type of defense.


This means that employers cannot use culture as a defense for mistreatment in the workplace, even if the employees come from a culturally different background. This does not mean, however, that cultural differences cannot be taken into account. In the event of an assault or harassment charges, an employer must look at the entire situation and consider all factors, including cultural differences, to determine what happened.


Employers must consider a variety of factors when evaluating workplace harassment claims, such as the type and severity of mistreatment, the frequency of these incidents, and the impact on the work environment.


In cases where the employer determines that an employee was mistreated due to cultural differences, employers must take steps to ensure all employees feel included and respected in the workplace.


Is it acceptable for employers to use ‘cultural differences’ as a defense in bullying claims?

As discussed above, the Code does not allow for cultural differences to be used as a valid defense for workplace harassment. This means that the employer cannot justify mistreatment of an employee due to cultural differences.


Employers who attempt to use this as a defense can be subject to disciplinary action. That being said, employers should be careful not to shut down the idea of cultural differences in the workplace. Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and should be discussed if an employee is experiencing mistreatment.


Employers should actively work to create a work environment that is inclusive of all cultures and backgrounds. This can be accomplished by providing resources and training to employees on the various cultures in the workplace. Employers can effectively navigate the situation by taking steps to understand the cultural differences that exist between employees and discussing any misunderstandings that arise.


The implications of using this defense

The implications of using cultural differences as a defense come in a variety of forms. Employers who use this defense may face a discrimination lawsuit, be subject to disciplinary action, or have their reputation tarnished.


If an employee feels that their mistreatment is a result of cultural differences, they can file a human rights complaint. At the time of filing, the employee will be asked to identify if the discrimination is due to ancestry, race, colour, ethnic origin, religion, Creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, mental or physical disability, or pardoned conviction.


If an employee identifies this type of discrimination, an investigation will be launched. If the employer is found to be responsible, they will be asked to take corrective action. If the employer is found to have been neglectful, they could face disciplinary action. However, if the employer is found to have discrimination on their part, they will likely be required to pay extensive damages to the employee, including legal fees.

How this defense affects the work environment

When an employer uses cultural differences as a defense, it can have a negative impact on the work environment. When two employees are in an altercation and one uses ‘cultural differences’ as a defense, it can make the other employee feel as though their experiences are invalid.


Employers should always take seriously any allegations of mistreatment and make every effort to create an inclusive and respectful work environment. It is important to remember that all employees have the right to feel respected and valued in the workplace. Employers who use this defense are essentially telling their employees that their experiences are not important. This can have a negative impact on the work environment and create an environment where employees feel unsafe.


Advice to employers and employees

Employers should always take seriously any allegations of mistreatment and make every effort to create an inclusive and respectful work environment.


Employers should actively work to create a work environment that is inclusive of all cultures and backgrounds.


Employers should provide resources and training to employees on the various cultures in the workplace.


Employers should discuss any misunderstandings that arise.


Employers should consider a variety of factors when evaluating workplace harassment claims, such as the type and severity of mistreatment, the frequency of these incidents, and the impact on the work environment.


Employers should take steps to ensure all employees feel included and respected in the workplace.


Employers should be careful not to shut down the idea of cultural differences in the workplace.


Employers should use cultural differences as a defense at their own risk.



The workplace is an ever-evolving place where cultural differences between employers and employees can lead to misunderstandings. When it comes to workplace harassment, the idea of cultural differences can be a delicate subject. As such, it's important to understand the implications of this defense as it relates to bullying claims.


Employers often take the stance that any alleged bullying is simply a result of cultural differences, but is this really an acceptable defense? The law does not allow for cultural differences to be used as a valid defense for workplace harassment. This means that employers cannot justify mistreatment of an employee due to cultural differences. However, when employers actively work to create a work environment that is inclusive of all cultures and backgrounds, they can effectively navigate this situation while also creating a respectful and inclusive workplace for all employees.

Contact Jolasers about any workplace investigation that may involve cultural differences. 

Call Stephen Oliver on 0418 101 164 for prompt attention.

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Workplace Investigations in Geelong

Geelong is a major city in the state of Victoria, Australia, located on the beautiful Corio Bay and the Barwon River. As a major regional centre, the workplace plays an important role in the city's economy and social fabric, and as such, workplace investigations are essential to ensure the rights and safety of all employees.


Workplace investigations in Geelong are conducted with the utmost care and attention, taking into account the individual rights of employees and employers, and the unique circumstances of each workplace. A comprehensive investigation process is followed, beginning with the initial complaint and continuing through to the resolution of the issue. The workplace investigation process is designed to ensure that all parties are heard, enabling the best outcome for both employees and employers.


Overview of workplace investigations in Geelong

A workplace investigation is an impartial and objective process by which complaints and allegations of misconduct are examined and assessed. An investigation is undertaken when a concern has been reported and needs to be explored to determine its validity and appropriate action.


The process is designed to be fair and objective, with due consideration for the rights and privacy of all parties. A range of different types of workplace investigations are used, depending on the nature of the complaint. There are some that are used regularly, and these include investigations into harassment and discrimination, and investigations into serious misconduct such as assault.


Other types of workplace investigations may be used less frequently. These include investigations into theft, financial misconduct, and criminal activities.


What is a workplace investigation?

A workplace investigation is an assessment process that occurs in response to a particular complaint, allegation, or problem. Generally, an investigation is initiated when a problem or complaint has arisen in the workplace and the affected parties need to be heard.


The investigator will interview those involved to collect information about the issue and its potential causes and will also interview witnesses to corroborate the information provided.



The investigator will prepare a written report that includes recommendations for action, and records all of the details of the investigation. The workplace investigation report will be shared with the parties involved and may also be shared more widely in the organization, depending on the nature of the complaint.


The report will also include information about the rights of the parties involved, including any appeal rights that are available to them.


What are the benefits of workplace investigations?

Workplace investigations provide a fair and impartial process for addressing complaints and allegations of misconduct. They provide a structured and consistent approach to resolving workplace issues and can also help to reduce the risk of future problems by addressing them as soon as they arise.


The benefits of workplace investigations will vary depending on the nature of the complaint, and the response that is being sought. There are some issues, such as assault or harassment, where the benefits will be immediate, as the issues are resolved quickly. Other complaints, such as financial dishonesty, may take longer to resolve, but will have a long-term positive effect on the business.


What is the process for a workplace investigation?

A workplace investigation will vary depending on the nature of the complaint being investigated. There are some types of complaints that will follow a standard process, whereas others may need to be addressed more informally.


The first step in the process is for the person who has reported the issue to be heard. They will be given an opportunity to explain the nature of their complaint, and to provide all of the relevant details.


The next step involves interviewing those involved in the complaint, to collect their version of the events and to corroborate the details provided by the original complaint. At this stage, the investigator may also interview witnesses, who will provide information that can help to establish a complete picture of the situation.


The last step involves preparing a written report that records all of the details of the investigation, and that includes the investigator’s recommendations for action.


What are the steps in a workplace investigation?

Investigate - The investigator will gather all of the details of the situation, including the names of all parties involved, the date and nature of the complaint, and a list of potential witnesses.


Interview - The investigator will interview the person who made the complaint, and the parties that have been named in the complaint. They will also interview any potential witnesses, who will be asked to provide details of what they saw or heard.


Analyse - The investigator will review all of the information that has been gathered, including interviews, notes, and documents. They will use this information to form conclusions about what has occurred.


Report - The investigator will prepare a written report that details the issues that have been raised, and the conclusions that have been reached. They will also include recommendations for action.


What are the laws and regulations governing workplace investigations?

There are a wide range of regulations and laws that govern workplace investigations. The most important of these are:

Privacy laws - Privacy laws are designed to protect individuals from the misuse and improper handling of their personal information. Investigators must be aware of how to collect and store information appropriately and must respect the privacy rights of all parties involved in the investigation.


Discrimination and Harassment laws - Discrimination and harassment laws govern how complaints that fall under these categories are investigated. In general, these complaints must be investigated formally, and must be concluded as quickly as is reasonably possible.


Collective agreements - Collective agreements are contracts that have been negotiated between employers and employees to settle disputes in their favour. These agreements may also include details about how certain workplace issues should be addressed, such as discipline, grievances, and terminations.


Company policies - Company policies are used to guide the actions of employees, and can also provide details about how certain workplace issues should be addressed.


How to prepare for a workplace investigation?

Preparing for an investigation can be challenging, particularly if the complaint has come as a surprise. It is important to remain calm, and not to panic or make any hasty decisions.


The first step is to ensure that you understand the nature of the complaint, and the details of the allegations. You may want to consider speaking to the person who has made the complaint and asking them to explain their point of view. It is important to remember that the person who has made the complaint has a right to be heard, and for their complaint to be investigated.


Once you understand the nature you can begin to prepare for the process. You will want to gather any documents or information that may be relevant to the complaint and prepare for interviews with witnesses and the person who has made the complaint. It may also be helpful to seek advice from others who have been through this type of process, or to seek the assistance of an employment lawyer.


What are the roles and responsibilities of the investigator?

The investigator is the person who will conduct the workplace investigation, and who will gather all of the information that is relevant to the complaint. The investigator will conduct interviews with the parties involved and will gather details from witnesses.


They will also be responsible for writing the report that summarizes the investigation and includes the investigator’s recommendations for action. The investigator will be guided by a set of standards that includes the following responsibilities:

Acting honestly and ethically - Ensuring that all parties are treated fairly, with due consideration for their privacy.

Ensuring that all relevant information is gathered, and that it is handled appropriately.


Providing all parties with a reasonable opportunity to present their side of the story.


Completing the investigation as quickly as is reasonably possible.


How to conduct a workplace investigation?

There are many different models that can be used for workplace investigations, and investigators will have their own preferred processes, and variations on these models. The most important thing is to ensure that the process is thorough and fair, and that all parties are given a chance to be heard.


Here are some tips for conducting a workplace investigation:


Gather all of the information that is relevant to the complaint, including witness statements, any documents that are relevant, and details of any CCTV footage.


Ensure that all parties are treated fairly and are given a reasonable opportunity to present their side of the story.


Be thorough, but don't take an unlimited amount of time. Completing the investigation as quickly as is reasonably possible will help to reduce the stress and disruption that the complaint may have caused.


Should all this sound a bit daunting, or you realise that it will be difficult to conduct an unbiased internal investigation – contact Jolasers to discuss the best way to approach your workplace investigation.


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Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide to Workplace Investigations in Geelong

Conflict resolution in the workplace is an important skill to have if you want to be successful in your profession. It is essential to be able to identify, assess, and manage conflicts that arise in the workplace. Conflict resolution skills are also important for employees who are involved in workplace investigations. In this article, we will be discussing the importance of conflict resolution in the workplace, the types of work conflicts, the process of resolving work conflicts, and the steps to perform a successful work conflict investigation in Geelong.


What is conflict resolution in the workplace?

Conflict resolution in the workplace is the process of identifying and addressing conflicts that arise between employees and employers, or between two or more employees. This process is intended to resolve the issues without any further conflict or disruption to the workplace.


Conflict resolution in the workplace can involve a variety of methods, such as mediation, negotiation, or arbitration. It is important to employ conflict resolution skills in the workplace in order to maintain a healthy, productive, and harmonious work environment.


Types of work conflict

There are many types of work conflicts that can arise in the workplace.


Some of the most common types of conflicts include: interpersonal conflicts, organizational conflicts, power struggles, and cultural conflicts.


Interpersonal conflicts arise when two or more people have different opinions, beliefs, or values that come into conflict with one another.


Organizational conflicts occur when there is a lack of agreement between employees and employers, or between two or more teams or departments.


Power struggles arise when one individual or group attempts to gain more control or influence than another.


Cultural conflicts occur when there is a clash of values, beliefs, or customs between two or more individuals.


The process of resolving work conflicts

The process of resolving work conflicts can be broken down into four steps:

  1. Identifying the conflict: The first step is to identify the source of the conflict. This can be done by assessing the situation and talking to the individuals involved.
  2. Assessing the conflict: Once the source of the conflict has been identified, it is important to assess the situation in order to determine the best course of action. This can include talking to the individuals involved and gathering more information.
  3. Managing the conflict: This step involves finding a solution to the conflict. This can involve mediation, negotiation, or arbitration. It is important to involve all parties in the process and ensure that everyone is in agreement with the proposed solution.
  4. Evaluating the outcome: After the conflict has been resolved, it is important to evaluate the outcome. This includes looking at how the conflict was handled, as well as assessing the effectiveness of the solution.


Benefits of resolving workplace conflicts

There are many benefits to resolving workplace conflicts, including improved morale, increased productivity, and improved communication.


Resolving conflicts in the workplace can also help to foster a culture of respect and trust among employees, which can lead to better collaboration and a healthier work environment. Additionally, resolving conflicts in the workplace can help to reduce the risk of lawsuits, as unresolved conflicts can lead to disgruntled employees and costly legal battles.


Potential hurdles in resolving workplace conflicts

Although conflict resolution in the workplace can be beneficial, there are potential hurdles that can make it difficult to resolve conflicts.


Some of these hurdles include lack of trust, lack of communication, and lack of resources. In order to successfully resolve workplace conflicts, it is important to address these issues and ensure that all parties involved are able to communicate effectively and trust one another.


Steps to perform a successful work conflict investigation in Geelong

If a workplace conflict cannot be resolved through traditional methods, it may be necessary to perform a workplace investigation. Here are the steps to perform a successful work conflict investigation in Geelong:


  1. Establish the scope of the investigation: It is important to establish the scope of the investigation before beginning the process. This includes determining who needs to be interviewed, what documents need to be reviewed, and which areas need to be investigated.
  2. Gather evidence: Once the scope of the investigation has been established, it is important to gather evidence. This includes interviewing witnesses, collecting documents, and reviewing relevant policies and procedures.
  3. Analyse the evidence: Once the evidence has been gathered, it is important to analyse it in order to determine the cause of the conflict. This includes assessing the facts, determining the roles of the individuals involved, and understanding the context of the conflict.
  4. Document the findings: It is important to document the findings of the investigation in order to ensure accuracy and transparency. This includes writing a detailed report that outlines the evidence, the findings, and any recommendations.
  5. Implement the recommendations: Once the findings have been documented, it is important to implement the recommendations. This includes following through on any disciplinary action, as well as taking steps to prevent further conflicts in the future.

How to document a work conflict investigation

It is important to document a work conflict investigation in order to ensure accuracy and transparency. This includes writing a detailed report that outlines the evidence, the findings, and any recommendations. The report should be clear and concise and include all relevant information. It is also important to ensure that all evidence is properly documented and stored in a secure location.


Common mistakes to avoid during a workplace conflict investigation

When performing a workplace conflict investigation, it is important to avoid some common mistakes. These include:

  1. Not gathering enough evidence: It is important to gather enough evidence in order to accurately assess the situation.
  2. Not documenting the evidence: It is important to document the evidence in order to ensure accuracy and transparency.
  3. Not interviewing key stakeholders: It is important to interview all relevant parties in order to get a full picture of the situation.
  4. Not taking action: After the investigation is complete, it is important to take action in order to ensure that the conflict is resolved and that similar conflicts do not arise in the future.

Tips and best practices for effective conflict resolution

In order to ensure successful conflict resolution in the workplace, it is important to follow some tips and best practices. These include:

  1. Communicate openly and honestly: It is important to communicate openly and honestly in order to ensure that all parties involved are heard.
  2. Focus on the issue at hand: It is important to focus on the issue at hand, rather than getting side-tracked by personal issues.
  3. Stay calm and professional: It is important to remain calm and professional throughout the process, in order to ensure that the conflict is resolved in a constructive manner.
  4. Find a mutually beneficial solution: It is important to find a solution that is beneficial to all parties involved, in order to ensure that the conflict is resolved in a satisfactory manner.
  5. Document the process: It is important to document the process in order to ensure accuracy and transparency.


Conflict resolution in the workplace is an important skill to have in order to maintain a healthy, productive, and harmonious work environment.


It is important to be able to identify, assess, and manage conflicts that arise in the workplace. In addition, it is important to understand the process of resolving work conflicts, as well as the steps to perform a successful work conflict investigation in Geelong.


For all of your Geelong Workplace Investigations contact Jolasers. We have 16+ years undertaking complex workplace investigations and at the end of each investigation we provide you with a comprehensive report.


By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you will be better equipped to handle conflicts in the workplace and ensure a successful resolution.

Conflict resolution



Don't Look the Other Way – Workplace Investigations in Albury Wodonga

Don’t look the other way. That’s the message employers in Albury Wodonga should take to heart when it comes to workplace investigations. In the modern workplace, there are a variety of issues that can arise that should be addressed, from discrimination and harassment to safety concerns and more.


But too often, employers look the other way, out of fear that a workplace investigation will lead to costly legal action. However, the cost of not conducting a thorough, timely investigation can be far higher, leading to costly lawsuits and damage to the organization’s reputation. By taking a proactive approach to workplace investigations, employers can ensure that any issues are addressed promptly and appropriately, without putting the organization at risk.



Definition of Workplace Investigations

An investigation is a fact-finding mission meant to provide clarity regarding some event or action. A workplace investigation is used as a tool for employers to find and assess the root cause of problems within the workplace, such as discrimination and harassment, compliance issues, and inappropriate behaviour.


There are different types of workplace investigations. They can be internal or external. Internal investigations are conducted by the company, while external investigations are conducted by a third party. They can be focused on an individual or on a broader issue.


Why Workplace Investigations are Important

Workplace investigations are critical for two reasons. First, they help uncover the facts of an issue so that an appropriate corrective action can be taken. Second, they help prevent future issues from arising.


Investing time and energy in finding out the facts and correcting any issues that arise can save the organization time, money, and reputation down the road. With respect to the first reason, when an investigation is conducted, it provides clarity to all parties involved, including the alleged victim, the accused, and any witnesses who provide statements. This allows the organization to take appropriate corrective action, such as terminating employment or providing training, as needed.


With respect to the second reason, workplace investigations can help prevent problems from arising in the future. For example, if an investigation reveals that employees are experiencing sexual harassment at work, the organization can take steps to address the issue such as providing training or offering a different work schedule. This can help prevent future issues from arising.


Legal Implications of Not Investigating

If an employer fails to conduct an investigation when there is a potential legal issue in the workplace, the employer may be opening itself up to legal liability.


The following are some common types of legal action that can arise.

  1. Discrimination and Harassment - If an employer fails to investigate a discrimination or harassment complaint, the employer may be held liable as if they had condoned the behaviour. This means that the employer could be responsible for the actions of the person who committed the misconduct.


  1. Failure to Properly Vet a Potential Employee - If an employer fails to investigate a candidate for employment, there is risk of a negligent hiring lawsuit. This occurs when an employer fails to uncover information that might have disqualified the candidate.



  1. Wrongful Termination - If an employer terminates an employee for reasons other than poor performance or misconduct, there is a risk of a wrongful termination lawsuit. Employers should be careful not to jump to conclusions when an employee is let go.


Steps for Conducting a Workplace Investigation

When conducting a workplace investigation, employers should keep the following steps in mind.

  • Assess the Situation - Before beginning an investigation into an issue at work, the employer should first determine the nature of the issue. Is it a one-time incident or a larger issue? Is there a potential victim? Is there a potential suspect?


  • Establish a Team - Employers should also establish a team to lead the investigation. This team can include HR, managers, and others who can help lead the investigation.


  • Collect the Facts - Once the investigation is underway, the team can begin collecting the facts related to the situation. This can include interviewing witnesses, reviewing video footage, or collecting other records. Employers should be careful not to jump to conclusions during the investigation.


  • Analyse the Facts - Once the facts have been collected, the team can then analyse the information to determine what happened. This can help reveal potential causes of the issue and help the team devise a corrective action plan.


  • Report the Results - Once the investigation is complete, the team can then report the findings to the employer. This can include presenting any recommendations or a corrective action plan.


Establishing Policies for Workplace Investigations

When employers conduct workplace investigations, they should also establish policies for how those investigations will be conducted. These policies can help ensure that investigations are conducted in a consistent and correct manner.


Also, with written policies, employers can show that they are taking these investigations seriously and that the information being gathered is reliable. There are a variety of different types of policies employers can establish when conducting workplace investigations.


They can include:

  1. Written expectations for employees: This can include expectations for both employees and managers, including how issues should be reported, how investigations should be conducted, and what types of things should be documented. This can also include expectations for investigators, including how investigators should be impartial and how long an investigation should take.


  1. Standard operating procedures: This can provide a general outline of how investigations should be conducted. It can include information such as where meetings should be held, what evidence is needed, and the type of people who should be on the team.


  1. Privacy policies: Employers should also consider privacy policies. These can help protect the privacy of the investigation, including how information is stored and shared. This can help protect the privacy of all parties involved.


Ensuring Confidentiality During Investigations

While investigations are meant to address potential issues, they also provide an opportunity for employees to come forward with issues that they have been struggling with in silence. In some cases, however, employees may be hesitant to come forward, fearing the repercussions of speaking up.


Employers can help ensure that their investigations are confidential, providing employees with the support they need, while also making the investigation more effective. Confidentiality during investigations can help employees feel comfortable coming forward with their issues, while also protecting them from any potential backlash.


Here are some ways employers can ensure confidentiality during investigations.

  1. Change the Location: The location of the investigation can help make the process more confidential. This can include conducting the meeting in a private office as opposed to a conference room, or meeting in a more remote location such as someone’s house or a coffee shop.


  1. Keep the Investigation Closely Guarded: When conducting an investigation, employers should keep the information as closely guarded as possible. This can include keeping the number of people who know about the investigation to a minimum and not discussing the investigation with other employees.


  1. Get Signed Consent from Employees: If employees are likely to be involved in the investigation, employers can have them sign a consent form. This can help ensure that the information gathered during the investigation remains confidential.


Dealing with the Outcome of an Investigation

After an investigation is complete, employers can then decide how to proceed. Employers can choose to take one of three approaches.


  1. Investigate and Correct the Issue - If the investigation reveals a legitimate issue, the employer can address the issue and correct it. This can include providing the employee with support, re-training employees, or terminating employment as needed.


  1. Investigate and Document the Issue - In some cases, an employer may want to conduct an investigation but not take corrective action. This can be done to collect more information or to gather evidence to support a future decision. Employers can still provide employees with support and correct any discriminatory or harassing behaviour as needed.


  1. Do Nothing - Employers are not required to take any action in response to an investigation. In these situations, employers can decide to do nothing and simply document the results of the investigation. This can be helpful for the employer if an issue arises in the future and the employer has evidence that an investigation was conducted and nothing was done.


External Investigations

The workplace investigation process may sound like a daunting process, and it doesn’t necessarily need to be that way.

Contact Jolasers to help you navigate through the stormy waters of a workplace investigation.


Call Stephen Oliver to help you with your Albury Wodonga workplace Investigation



Uncovering the Truth: How to Properly Investigate Employment Issues In Albury Wodonga

Employment investigations in Albury Wodonga can be a delicate matter because they involve collecting delicate information and making critical decisions. If done incorrectly, it can lead to costly litigation and reputational damage.



Fortunately, there are steps that employers and HR professionals can take to ensure that their employment investigations are conducted properly and efficiently. In this blog article, we will discuss what employment investigation are, why they are important, the steps to properly investigate and how to avoid legal pitfalls.



What is Employment Investigation?

Employment investigation is the process of gathering information and evidence related to a workplace issue. It is used to determine if a violation of company policy or law has occurred and, if so, what corrective action needs to be taken. The process requires employers and HR professionals to be thorough and objective in their investigation and to respect the rights of all parties involved.



Employment investigations can be conducted for a variety of reasons, including allegations of misconduct, discrimination, harassment, and other workplace issues. It is important that employers investigate these issues in a timely manner to ensure that they can take the necessary steps to address them and protect their employees.



Why is Employment Investigation Important?

An employment investigation is an important part of the HR process. It helps employers ensure that their workplace is free from any type of discrimination or harassment and keeps the workplace safe for all employees. It also helps employers ensure that any complaints or allegations are handled appropriately, which can help protect them from costly legal action and reputational damage.



Employers also have a legal obligation to investigate complaints or allegations of misconduct or discrimination in the workplace. Failure to do so can result in costly litigation, as well as damage to their reputation and brand. Therefore, it is important for employers to take the necessary steps to properly investigate any issues that arise.



Steps for Properly Investigating Employment Issues


When it comes to properly investigating employment issues, there are several steps that employers and HR professionals should follow. These steps include:

  1. Establishing a plan of action
  2. Preparing and conducting interviews
  3. Documenting and analysing evidence
  4. Reaching a conclusion
  5. Avoiding legal pitfalls

Let’s take a look at each step in more detail.



Establishing a Plan of Action

The first step in any employment investigation is to establish a plan of action. This includes setting out a timeline for the investigation, outlining the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved, and determining the scope of the investigation. It is also important to determine who will be conducting the investigation and what resources will be needed. This will help ensure that the investigation is conducted in a timely and efficient manner.



Preparing and Conducting Interviews

Once a plan of action has been established, it’s time to prepare and conduct interviews. It is important to ensure that all interviews are conducted in a professional and respectful manner. It is also important to ensure that all parties are given an opportunity to provide their side of the story. Interviews should be conducted in a way that allows all parties to feel comfortable and respected.



Documenting and Analysing Evidence

After all interviews have been conducted, it is important to document and analyse all evidence collected. This includes any documents, emails, or other forms of communication related to the investigation. It is also important to review any relevant policies and procedures to ensure that all parties were aware of the rules and expectations in the workplace.



Reaching a Conclusion

Once all of the evidence has been collected and analysed, it is time to reach a conclusion. This conclusion should be based on the facts and evidence gathered during the investigation and should be documented in a report. This report should include all relevant information, as well as any recommendations for corrective action.



How to Avoid Legal Pitfalls

It is important for employers to be aware of the legal implications of their investigations. This includes ensuring that all parties are treated fairly and that all evidence is collected and documented in a way that does not violate any laws or regulations.



Employers should also be aware of their obligations to protect the privacy of all parties and to ensure that any corrective action taken is appropriate and within the confines of the law.



Employment investigations are a critical part of the HR process. They help employers ensure that their workplace is free from any type of discrimination or harassment and that any complaints or allegations are handled appropriately.



By following the steps outlined in this blog article, employers and HR professionals can ensure that their investigations are conducted properly and efficiently and that any corrective action taken is appropriate and within the confines of the law.



Not sure if you have the staff to undertake a professional workplace investigation in Albury Wodonga? Contact Jolasers today and let us take care of your workplace investigation. We have the experience and expertise to ensure that your investigation is handled properly and efficiently. Let us help you uncover the truth and protect your workplace.



Jolasers have undertaken a large number of workplace investigations in Albury and Wodonga and are very familiar with the area.


Contact Stephen Oliver on 0418 101 164 for a prompt response to your workplace investigation.



Albury Wodonga
